Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Immortal animals

Immortal animals

Almost every animal is vulnerable to old age. Some, like houseflies live short lives. Others such as trees can live thousands of years. A few animals are biologically immortal meaning that they suffer virtually no effects of old age.

Hydras, a small anemone like creature, do not age. They live in most freshwater environments and are common across the world. They use their tentacles to catch freshwater zooplankton.
scientific illustrator

Turritopsis nutricula is an immortal species of jellyfish that can change into a juvenile polyp after reproduction. It is therefore immortal benefiting from a never ending cycle form juvenile polyp to adult plankton and back.

Water bears are a type of water dwelling microscopic animal that is totally immortal. In addition they can survive the vacuum of space, radiation, extreme temperatures, and dehydration among others. Wheh!


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